Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Google News - Geeta Jayanti 2021: Learn with Shubh Muhurat, Gita Avtaran Katha


 2021 Gita Jayanti Date and Time: The show day of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji, the best strict book of Sanatan Dharma, is commended as Gita Jayanti. The day is commended each year on the Ekadashi date of Shukla paksha of margasirsha month. It will be praised today on Tuesday, fourteenth December 2021. Ekadashi's date will begin from 9:35 pm on thirteenth December 2021 and will proceed till 11:37 pm on fourteenth December 2021. 30 years before the start of Kalyug and around 5159 years prior, in the Kurukshetra combat zone, Shri Krishna, the manifestation of Srihari Dwarupyug, was situated as Marathi on Arjuna's chariot called Nandighosh and Shri Gita dropped from the mouth of Lord Krishna Ji to give information on karma and religion to Arjuna.

the unclean Pavani Sri Ganga, which slid from the feet of ruler Srihari Vishnu Ji, which is really vital that it can obliterate the corrupt deeds of the births and births of the creature and affected by Ganga Maiya, insan achieves salvation and the dads accomplish harmony and Vaikuntha Dham. you would yourself be able to check its significance and effect with regards to how hallowed and viable and significant it will be on the off chance that Sri Gita Ji has plunged from the mouth of Lord Krishna. in which in the occasions to come, insan can lead his existence with predominance by following shrigitaji.

at the point when Arjuna will not battle when he sees his family members confronting him on the combat zone, Shri Krishna stops the pattern of time for quite a while and provides arjuna with the information on Sri Gita Ji to bestow information on karma and dharma and furthermore provides him with a brief look at his uncommon nature. this information on Shri Gita Ji is a 40-minute discourse between Sri Krishna and arjuna. aside from arjuna, maharishi Ved Vyas Ji, boorish, Sanjay, and Sanjay were likewise heard by Shri Hanuman Ji situated on the chariot of Dhritarashtra and arjuna when this heavenly and uncommon information was described by Sri Krishna Ji.

this heavenly information on Sri Gita has been given by Shri Krishna as an aggregate of 700 Sanskrit shlokas. master Krishna has obviously said in this computerized Ji, o Arjuna, I am god myself. interestingly, 16 expressions are the master in the entire of Sri Krishna, saying, I am the God who made and sustained this creation myself.

Which was not said by any divine force of some other religion. It is in Sri Gita Ji that Sri Krishna Ji has tended to himself as God and furthermore said that this heavenly information isn't being given by anybody interestingly. You have had many births previously, which you don't recollect, yet I am timeless. This heavenly information was likewise given by Maharishi Bhrigu Ji to his child Shukraji and maharishi Vedvyasji additionally gave this heavenly information to his pupils like Vaishampayan, Jamini, Pal, and from here on this information has been communicated by numerous distributions today.

2021: This heavenly information Is an antiquated and gigantic banyan tree in a little town called Jyotisar in Kurukshetra just as a lake. Here Lord Krishna lectured the Gita to Arjuna. The Srigita Mahotsav is coordinated globally by the Government of Haryana and endeavors have been made to cause mankind to understand this information by spreading exposure at the worldwide level.


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